
This is what my master bathroom currently looks like:

This is actually a big improvement. At first there was a mixture of ragged drywall and soaking wet insulation (i.e., smelly). Before we put the tub in, many many critters found their way in. Jinx was very excited about having thrilling toys. I didn’t know he had had a tiny frog until I found him patting at it sadly because he had played with it to death.

It’ll be nice to have a non-shabby tub. This one is narrower but much deeper than the old one. I look forward to soaking like a mermaid in plenty of salt water.

Until then, poor Dingo is up to his eyeballs in complicated plumbing, none of which was installed normally. Like our flooring project, this is all happening at the end of his school semester too. No pressure!

I had part one of a Giant Freelance Job last weekend and through the week. Part Two arrives early this week. By Friday, I had gotten to the point that I simply could not read another word. I could barely knit. Really all I could do was lie down and listen to very soft music.

Thankfully, yesterday was one of those endless weekend days, in which I got all of my chores done and still felt as if I’d lazed about. There may be actual synaptic activity in my head again.

Dingo took the enormous box for the tub, cut a hole in the side, and made a fort for Jinx. Sadly, he was not nearly as interested in a giant box fort as one would expect. I know one of the best playtimes of my childhood was when Mimi bought a new refrigerator for Innisfree and we got to play with the box.

Or was it Grandmom? I dunno. I just remember the giant box fort.

3 thoughts on “Excitement

  1. Erzebet

    My kids had a giant box fort, too! I used to throw a blanket over the sofa and some chairs to make a fort. Fun times! The new tub looks great! Hobie is a hero of the household revolution. Tell him that. 🙂

  2. Gwyn

    To bribe the children to help me sort things, we got three big boxes from the UPS store. After the sorting got done, everyone got a box to sit in and make their own. I was very pleased to tour the boxes after they were done. They are still comforting to sit in.

  3. vmohlere Post author

    Blanket and pillow forts were also a frequent feature of my childhood. The trick was always keeping the blanket from collapsing.

    I was rather tempted to get into the tub box, I admit.

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