School days, school days, dear old golden rule days

I was in Target over the weekend, wishing that I needed notebooks. Wishing that I needed a new lunchbox, a pencil box, a set of folders (one for each class). Or brand-new book covers cut down from grocery bags that by the end of theĀ  school year I would have covered with doodles, notes, and lines of poetry.

I always wanted to use college-ruled paper, because it made me feel sophisticated.

New shoes, new outfits. The outfit for the first day of school was always the most special one, and we’d always take a a picture.

Mom would always make us start getting up early two weeks before school. Every year we would return from Vermont, and there was usually only a week or so before we started having to get up early. And we could complain endlessly, but it really didĀ  make the start of school easier that we were used to waking up.

Now it’s the endless grind of working life. Stupid Industrial Revolution.

3 thoughts on “School days, school days, dear old golden rule days

  1. Gwyn Aubrey

    Your mother is a wise woman. Next week starts the great getting up early practice, which we will then use to go and do all those things that we haven’t done. Museums ahoy! Of course, I would probably not have survived the pre-Industrial Revolution, what with the eyes and the not breathing and the tall.

  2. vmohlere Post author

    No kidding! I would not have ever been alive at all, what with the lack of modern resuscitation methods.

    Still, the whole modern work paradigm is CRAP.

  3. melissa lee

    I *LOVE* school supplies!
    Especially pens and pencils. post its. binders
    Spiral notebooks are the *best*

    Ooooh I want to go to Target!
    I already have enough supplies to start my own store.

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