Three kitchen gadgets I’m glad I bought

1. Mortar and pestle: I don’t use it often. Most of the time, it holds wine corks. (I used to save them for Meg’1, who gave them to a kid who made, er, cork sculptures or something? Now I save them for myself and knit tiny hats and sweaters for them. Yes, that is insane. Insanely CUTE. Better not complain about it, or you’ll get warmly dressed cork people in the mail.) But yesterday, when I needed ground cumin and I only had cumin seeds, my problem was solved in 45 seconds. Now I will never buy ground cumin again.

2. Silicone basting brush: Seriously? That paintbrush thing is NEVER EVER CLEAN. Ever. I feel sick just thinking about it. Because some time in its life, it basted a piece of meat, and here I am trying to brush milk on the top of biscuit dough. Oh, MAN. That is so gross even to think about. My silicone brush goes through the dishwasher and comes out sanitary and dry.

(Look, if you’ve seen my floor and you’re blustering about my using the word “sanitary,” – I don’t EAT off my floor.)

[I apparently have a chip on my shoulder about corks and mopping.]

3. Silpat: Nothing ever, ever sticks to it. Bake stuff on the Silpat, and you don’t have to wash the cookie sheet. Pick up the Silpat from the sheet, transfer the entire batch of baked items to a rack. Roll out dough on it. It’s brilliant!

This post has been brought to you by Puerco Amnesiaco and oat cream scones.

6 thoughts on “Three kitchen gadgets I’m glad I bought

  1. Angela

    Silicone basting brush! Just yesterday I was futilely cleaning our basting brush and it insisted on clinging to every bit of food it had ever come in contact with, and I was grossified. No more!

  2. Daisie

    These are all great objects. I will say, though, that you should never, under any circumstances, use a knife on a Silpat. That is how you end up with a very sad Silpat. Trust the voice of (idiot) experience.

  3. melissa lee

    Cork people! GAH! How COULD you?
    You are so mean! What did those poor corks ever do to you, to deserve clothes?

    (you can send mine to Mom’s house. I’ll pick it up there.)

  4. BHL

    I think we might be kitchen twins, except my morter and pestle is full of cat medicine and syringes. I don’t dress my cats up but then, corks don’t have claws and teeth.

  5. Gwyn

    Just saw this. Cork people are ugly, and stupid, and have poor grammar. Did it work? Should I say things about their posture, and general air of snobbishness and entitlement? This reminds me that I owe my boss a full set of little clothespin people.

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